The spirit of giving

The morning after the Super Typhoon Haiyan, I heard kids caroling outside the gate. They were out of tune with too funny lyrics. Hearing children carol bring me good childhood memories when we used to convert cans of milk for drums, barbecue sticks for drumsticks and soda crowns for tambourines.

I grew up seeing my mother and grandparents prepare something to give to us children. When I see them prepare something delicious we would carol at our own house. Our Christmas, though always simple in all ways, was merry and cheerful. Those are memories I remember over and over in my head and my heart is always filled with happiness.

Now, staying in my husband’s place, I usually hear them shoo away the kids. Today, I told them I have some candies for the little boys singing while trying to hide their sheer shyness. I had my daughter hand over the candies, at this point she might need to see how to give so she’ll learn the value of letting go. Though I heard a comment “they always tend to go back over and over when you give them something”, I just did not mind them. We have no control over other people, we can only be what we are made of.

When children laugh, it’s like life is great.

Let the children sing the songs of Christmas, let them carol and let them feel the spirit of giving.

Conducted Stress Debriefing after the Earthquake.
Conducted Stress Debriefing after the Earthquake.

Published by monalisachong

Every one agrees that life is fleeting. And that life is change. It never stays the same. I am a believer of choice, of opportunities embraced and lost, I dictate what happens to me. This makes me hopeful, makes me dream, gives me courage and clears my realm. And I hope to share how change affects my life.

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